CTE Cal, Inc. (CTE) provides engineering, quality control management, inspection, and materials testing services throughout Northern California and Nevada. These services are administered by registered professionals, geotechnical engineers, project managers, certified quality control managers and certified inspectors & material testers. Our laboratory facilities and personnel maintain the highest standards and appropriate certifications for each discipline of service. Engineering Services are provided for a variety of markets including commercial, residential, schools, hospitals, Federal, State and municipalities. Projects include roads, levees, WWTP’s, WTP’s, roads, bridges, subdivisions, facilities, highrises, school and hospital facilities. Our Engineering Services include the following disciplines:
• Geotechnical Engineering
• Geological Engineering
• Foundation Engineering
• Civil Engineering Services
• Environmental Engineering
• SWPPP, QSD and QSP Services
- Blueprints - Equally likely to be the problem and the solution
CTE has 25 years of experience providing Quality Control Management and related services to public entities, developers, owners, and architects throughout California and Nevada. Our quality control services start with developing Quality Control Plans (QCP) and then proceeds throughout the construction phase to project closeout. To meet client’s needs we maintain a team of certified Quality Control Manager (QCM), contract document support staff, inspectors and materials testers. In addition to our internal Project Management program, staff develop comprehensive quality control plans, procedures and support documents to ensure proper documentation and completion of quality control points. Our Quality Control Management Services include the following disciplines:
• Certified Quality Control Managers (Army Corp of Engineers)
• Quality Control Support Staff
• Certified Specialty Inspectors (Window Testing AAMA 501.2, AAMA 502, Mortar Adhesion Testing, FRP, Coating Inspection, and more)
• Certified Special Inspectors (ICC, ACI, AWS CWI, DSA, OSHPD, and more)
• Certified Inspectors of Record (DSA IOR)
• Materials Testers (ACI, ICC ESR and more)
CTE Cal provides Materials Testing Services for a variety of materials and in accordance with strict test methods like American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) and American Concrete Institute (ACI) and numerous other national and international test standards. Materials testing service start with our engineering expertise, carry through during construction, and are often used for forensic investigation of completed work. Each of our laboratories are maintained in accordance with an internal Quality Control Manual meeting AASHTO R18 and ASTM standard of practices. The experience of our laboratory personnel exceed the minimum years of experience, required certifications and internal training cycles. Laboratory capabilities include the testing the following materials:
• Soil and Earth Materials
• Aggregate Products
• Concrete and Cementitious Products
• Masonry Materials
• Asphaltic Concrete (AC)
• Reinforcing Steel
• Structural Steel
• Specialty Materials
CTE Cal provides Special Inspection for a wide variety of project needs, including the fundamentals and specialized services that others do not. All of CTE Cal’s inspectors carry certifications from ICC, ACI, AWS, and other acclaimed agencies (See our Qualifications). Many of our staff have engineering backgrounds allowing them to make informed decisions in the field and assist with coordination between contractors, owners, and consultants. We provide the following inspection services:
• Grading Observation and Compaction
• Asphalt Compaction
• Reinforced Concrete
• Prestressed Concrete
• Structural Steel Bolting
• Welding
• Structural Wood
• Welder Certification
• Rebar Scanning
• Water-resistant Systems
• Mortar and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)
• Water Infiltration Testing
+ More – CTE Cal’s team is flexible and capable of adapting to your project’s inspection needs!